Boulder Prásk vol.6

Domov Climbing race Boulder Prásk vol.6

Boulder Prásk vol.6

Boulder Prásk vol.6 - Lezecká stena K2 - Bratislava

Boulder Prásk vol.6

In Friday, 3.17 will be held the sixth round boulder „fast-race“. Rules as usual. After hard work, there is a party with DJ Ludwig van Beethovien.

„Take your tracksuit, put a Mayflower in you hair, put on your warmy slippers and prepare your freeze-dried body for the first spring session. On sunny plains of your favorite boulder locality, there are sunbathing new slopers. Little Local boulder problems are heading also to another corners of the wall K2. Designers Luigovič, Vašúľ and Mieško are planting bulbs with the most boulderish problems. You compets in two categories – bees and buzzers. Fly-in to our colorfull meadow is traditionally 7€ and includes enter fee and nourishment. Throught the swooping collectioning of tops and spring tasting menu will play DJ Ludwig van Beethovien.“


Boulder Prásk from Martin Zvonár

Important Infos

  • Date: 17. 03. 2017
  • Start 18:00
  • Climbing until 22:00
  • Fee 7€ (enter fee + refreshment)
  • DJ Ludwig van Beethovien


Boulder Prásk Vol.6

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