Home News DON'T FALL


don't be sad '24

Oliver Oleksak

Join a climbing competition DO NOT FALL / don't fall '24

– 3 weeks – as many trips as possible –

  • climbing competition in pairs

  • climb anytime from October 7th to October 27th, 2024 – as many times as you can manage

  • Everyone can participate, regardless of climbing experience.

  • Entry fee: €20/individual (€40/couple)

  • As part of the registration fee (20€/person), you will receive an original K2 DO NOT FALL'24 T-shirt, magnesium, and refreshments.


The pairs with the highest number of points in the categories win:

 – MEN – 

1st place: 10-entry season ticket for each pair + climbing prizes

2nd place: 5-entry season ticket for each couple + climbing prizes

3rd place: climbing prizes

– WOMEN – 

1st place: 10-entry season ticket for each pair + climbing prizes

2nd place: 5-entry season ticket for each couple + climbing prizes

3rd place: climbing prizes

– MIX –

1st place: 10-entry season ticket for each pair + climbing prizes

2nd place: 5-entry season ticket for each couple + climbing prizes

3rd place: climbing prizes

Register at:


– don't forget to choose your t-shirt size
– the starter package does not include entrance to the climbing wall


– Competes in teams – 2 people
– The competition runs over three weeks in October – 7.10. – 27.10.2024
– The competition will be evaluated during the HALLOWEEN PARTY'24 – 31.10. 2024
– Each team can come and climb as many times as they want during the three competition weeks – all climbs count towards the competition.
– You can come to compete at any time during the wall's opening hours.
– Only people who signed up at the beginning can climb and belay in the competition (team members may not change during the competition) – however, it is up to you whether one will always be just a climber, the other just a belayer, or whether you will take turns climbing.
– Each trip can only be counted once in the overall rating.
– The competition is based on points – the more routes you climb, the more points you get. Only routes climbed on top rope or lead are scored, bouldering and solo climbing are not included in the competition.
– A route climbed is counted as descending the route to its last hold, without sitting down during the climb. Number of points for a route climbed = difficulty of the route (the sign does not play a role).
– Each team records the routes climbed on a form that they receive from the staff before climbing and hand this form in after climbing – in this competition we believe in your climbing and sporting honesty.
– There will still be regular route changes on the wall. We will always inform you about such route changes along with the route numbers that will no longer be climbable.
– In the midst of competitive excitement, please remember climbing safety and the “partner check”.


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