European Cup and MSR in Drytooling 09. 12. 2017

Home News European Cup and MSR in Drytooling 09. 12. 2017

European Cup and MSR in Drytooling 09. 12. 2017

European Cup and MSR in Drytooling 09. 12. 2017

Official results – Men

Official results – Women

European Cup and Slovak Championship in Drytooling 2017

Prepare for 4 qualifying routes in difficulty for beginners and advanced and the final in the central overhang.


  • Qualification 9:30
  • Final 18:00
  • After Party 22:00 (SEXIT band)

Starting fee

  • €15 for SHS JAMES members and ČHS members
  • €20 for non-members of the association


  • Women
  • Men


In order to reduce the time needed for the competitors to present themselves, MANDATORY ONLINE REGISTRATION (Registration is closed). The deadline for registration is 07.12.2016 24:00.

Rules for competitors

There will be 4 routes climbed in FLASH style. Climbers will be divided into 4 groups, each climbing their own route, then the routes will be switched. The order in the qualification will be decided by the sum of the points in the individual routes.

The top 6 women and 6 men advance to the finals.



Majstrovstvá SR v lezení na obtiažnosť a v drytoolingu 2016 Lezecká stena K2 Bratislava



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List of registered competitors:



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