K2 Boulder Cup 2012 and how we saw it

Home News K2 Boulder Cup 2012 and how we saw it

K2 Boulder Cup 2012 and how we saw it


Many visitors were a little confused by the name of the first race on the new K2 Climbing Wall, as it took place only on March 16, 2013. The Slovak Bouldering Championship 2012 and the last round of the Slovak Cup for 2012 waited for the completion of the project of the largest climbing wall in Slovakia, K2. The organizers managed to prepare the race at a high level. After a long time, the qualification and final were climbed in the OnSigth style, just like climbing in high-level competitions around the world.

You can find the complete results here. HERE

Majstrovstvá Slovenska v boulderingu 2012
K2 Lezecká stena Bratislava
40 men and 12 women from Slovakia and the Czech Republic registered for the championship. We were a little disappointed that the 16-member Hungarian delegation canceled its participation due to snow on the roads. Despite this, the participation was high quality.

There were 7 boulders in the qualification, so the competitors had a lot of climbing ahead of them. The first 4 boulders were easier, but still there were a lot of climbs. Competitors who climbed all the qualifying boulders (except the last ones to advance) made it to the final.

The finals began with a ceremonial presentation of the advancing climbers. 8 women and 12 men fought on four specially designed boulders. The route builders – Ičo, Kmeťo and Ďuro Repčík really played with the final boulders. Almost no, if any, rounded holds, many structures, start-ups and jumps were definitely not missing in the routes. Each route was interesting in some way, but what was more interesting was the different ways they could be climbed.
In the women's category, the best finisher was Katka Fickuliaková, who almost traditionally wins most of the races. Lenka Mičicová finished second and Petra Ružičková from Prostějov third.

K2 Lezecká stena - MSR v boulderingu 2012
The men's final started immediately after the women's final boulders were adjusted, which, however, lasted very short, as the men's holds and steps were taken from the routes. In places it looked like there was really nothing to hold on to or step on. However, the men managed and each route had its own climb. Humpi Ondrej Švub was the only one to climb all the final boulders and therefore deservedly deserves the title of Slovanska 2012 champion. Peter Doležaj was close behind him, who was two seconds short of achieving the championship. It was an unrecognized top after the limit that moved him to third place, and Matej Švub finished second.

Marek Repčík - K2 Lezecká stena
Marek Repčík - MSR K2 Boulder Cup

The surprise in the final was the performance of Marek Repčík. He climbs more or less recreationally. He showed the young guys that experience can overcome age and finished in fourth place!

After the results were announced, the Afterparty continued. The first race needs to be thoroughly drunk. The floor was filled with dancing by a great band from Rajecké Teplice – All Stars Band. It is really difficult to organize a race so that everything runs smoothly. I think that, apart from a few small mistakes that will definitely be corrected in the future, the race was managed at a high level. There was no lack of fun and proper sportsmanship.

We would also like to thank all the sponsors who contributed to the running of the race and the prizes for the winners:

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K2 Lezecká stena Bratislava



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The MSR took place under the auspices of


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