From 1. 10. to 31.10. you have the opportunity to participate in the 4th round of the climbing league on our K2 Climbing Wall in Bratislava. Once again, we have prepared 30 competition routes for you. The first three in each category are rewarded, as well as all those who achieve more than 250 points.
We will keep you informed about the results in google-sheet.
Don't you know what a CLIMBING LEAGUE is?
The climbing league is a competition for beginners and advanced climbers. Beginners are classified in the RELAX category and advanced climbers in the CLIMBER category. We will set up or designate 30 climbing lines that are climbed with the bottom rope, unless otherwise specified (e.g. without hands). Points are earned for routes climbed. You write these down on a sheet that you get from the staff and hand it back in signed by your belayer when you leave. The first three male and female climbers (in each category) with the highest number of points are rewarded.