Slovak Children's Climbing Championship 2016
For the fourth time, the Slovak Children's Climbing Championship is being prepared at the K2 Climbing Wall. We cordially invite you to the competition on June 11, 2016. This year, we will open the competition for 3 categories: U10, U12, and U14.
After the initial registration, there will be a joint warm-up and we will also try to take a photo together, so everyone come on time!
- U10 from 7 to 9 years old, boys, girls, year of birth 2009, 2008 and 2007,
- U12 from 10 to 11 years old, boys, girls, year of birth 2006 and 2005,
- U14 from 12 to 13 years old, boys, girls, year of birth 2004 and 2003,
Starting fee
- €5 for members of SHS JAMES and for members of foreign mountaineering organizations with a valid membership card
- 10€ for non-members of the association
In order to reduce the time needed for the competitors to present themselves, MANDATORY ONLINE REGISTRATIONWe therefore ask all parents / coaches / participants to take the time to register and enter their details (especially year of birth) correctly. The deadline for registration is 09.6.2016 23:00
- 8:00 Registration for categories U10, U12, U14
- 9:00 End of registration for categories U10, U12, U14
- 9:30 Joint warm-up + joint photo shoot
- 9:45 Pre-climbing of climbing routes
- 10:00 Start of rope climbing in groups U10, U12, U14
- 15:15 Closing isolation finals!
- 15:30 Finals of categories U10, U12, U14 (On Sight for all categories)
- 17:00 Announcement of results
Rules for competitors
Rope Climbing (Championships) ::: Category U10, U12 (TOP ROPE, FLASH), Category U14 (FLASH):
Children will be divided into 3 groups, each climbing their own route, then the routes will be switched. The time limit for the route is 5 minutes. The order in the qualification is decided by the arithmetic average of the positions in the individual routes. Holds will be visibly scored 1-30b. A maximum of 30 points can be obtained for a route. In the qualification, only held holds are scored.
The top 6 girls and 6 boys from each category advance to the finals.
The finals are climbing OS style.
Final scoring: A clear point for a hold (so-called clean hold) is awarded when the competitor holds it statically, so that he has control over it. A plus (+) hold is awarded when the climber makes another active movement in the direction of the route from a statically held hold. The position thus reached in the route has a higher number of points than if the same hold was held statically by the competitor without further movement. A plus point has a numerical value of 0.5 when recorded in the table.
Referees, Chief Referee and Protests :::
The score for each trip is recorded by the breaker. The head referee is responsible for the results.
Any protests must be filed no later than 5 minutes after the announcement of the results of the round to which they relate. The protest is filed with the main referee, where it is registered with a fee of 10 Euros. The referees and a delegate of the authorized KM will assess the protest separately without the presence of the protester, they may use a video recording. If the protest is recognized, the monetary fee is refunded. It is not possible to appeal against the decision.
Event partners
- Organizer: SHS James
- General advertising partner: K2-Climbing Wall Bratislava
- Main advertising partners: | MAMMOTH | Singing Rock | SALTIC | Anatomical | Techwood | Rafiky | Ocun | Marva | Wood from Misha
- Media partners:,,