My little birds have told me that there is a big change going on at Climbing wall K2. Our wall is growing. Juraj Repčík drew a simple climbing wall with an area of 350 square meters. Originally it consisted of several triangles and it has a nice plastic shape. The upper part was slightly overhanging and it offered quite nice climbing possibilities. After a few days JR came with the fact that there is something missing...
Original drawings
Final drawings
3D model from JR
JR was wondering how to make the wall somehow interesting. He had a hard time thinking about it. That night, he and his friend Tomas were drinking wine, a bottle or two. The next morning he woke up and instead of a huge hangover he had an idea.
New wall will be in the shape of a giant monster! In addition, behind his head, there will be a stage with a perfect view. You could climb there, too.
The colors of giant aren't final, so we welcome any suggestions!
And yes, it's possible to build! We start in mid-August 2015.
Future parameters of the Wall
Area | 404.43m2 |
Height | 15.11m |
Width | 18.04m |