Monster is comin'

Home News Monster is comin'

Monster is comin'

My little birds have told me that there is a big change going on at Climbing wall K2. Our wall is growing. Juraj Repčík drew a simple climbing wall with an area of 350 square meters. Originally it consisted of several triangles and it has a nice plastic shape. The upper part was slightly overhanging and it offered quite nice climbing possibilities. After a few days JR came with the fact that there is something missing...

Original drawings

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Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Final drawings


3D model from JR


JR was wondering how to make the wall somehow interesting. He had a hard time thinking about it. That night, he and his friend Tomas were drinking wine, a bottle or two. The next morning he woke up and instead of a huge hangover he had an idea.

New wall will be in the shape of a giant monster! In addition, behind his head, there will be a stage with a perfect view. You could climb there, too.

The colors of giant aren't final, so we welcome any suggestions!

And yes, it's possible to build! We start in mid-August 2015.




Monster is comin

Monster is comin

Monster is comin

Monster is comin

Future parameters of the Wall

Area 404.43m2
Height 15.11m
Width 18.04m

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