The Monster is Coming

Home News The Monster is Coming

The Monster is Coming

A little bird whispered to me that more construction work is slowly approaching and our wall will grow. Juraj Repčík drew a simple climbing wall with an area of 350m2. Originally, it consisted of several triangles and had a nice plastic shape. The upper part leans into a slight overhang. But after a few days, Ďuro realized that something was missing…

Original designs

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

Pôvodný návrh nového profilu

New designs


3D model by Juraj


He thought for a long time about how to make the wall something interesting, but couldn't think of anything. However, one evening over wine (maybe two) was enough, and the next morning instead of a monkey, an idea came to him.

In addition to the gigantic monster, there should be a passage to a lookout behind the wall. The lookout will be located behind the "head" and will be climbable.

We haven't decided on the color yet, we welcome any suggestions!

And yes, it's possible. Our clever guys should start this project in mid-August.







Príde Monster

Future Climbing Wall Parameters

Area 404.43m2
Height 15.11m
Width 18.04m


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